Difficulties in the workplace and addiction problems - Role reversal as a clarification approach

Starting position
Mr. C. came forward because he had been fired. As a reason, he  cited work-based problems. He could not understand that and did not agree with being fired. ” Arrived late for work? that could happen to anyone under stress”. He had been with the company for 8 years and got along well with everyone. He aid it would n’t did not happen again, but he would not talk to his boss anymore. He had no idea what the problem was.

Request from Mr. C. to Proitera
“I need my job! What am I supposed to do now? How should I proceed?”

At the beginning of the initial conversation, Mr. C. was unruly, dogmatic and quick-tempered. The consultant found the story strange. She knows the company and the culture well. She listened attentively and asked for details. It was impressive how his anger slowly disappeared and only desperation and powerlessness were visible. “Wait a minute,” she said finally. “You were late once and then you received the letter of dismissal. Are you sure? That would be really incredible!” No, there had been conversations in the past about misconduct, a warning and finally an ultimatum. He added: “What I tell you now is confidential. Occasionally, I use cocaine. Then, things like arriving late happen.” Gambling would help finance the addiction. When asked if he always wins, he said meekly: “Sometimes. At the moment, things are not going well and I’m in debt. But I can manage. Next Wednesday is my lucky day.” The consultant chose Moreno’s role reversal method and asked the employee to sit on the supervisor’s fictional chair. She herself took on the role of the employee. Interestingly, he became really eager in the role of the boss. “I do not understand that he had so much patience with me,” he murmured afterwards. “I would have fired myself long ago!” Afterwards, the consultant took stock of the session and asked about his willingness to undergo an in-patient drug withdrawal programme and treatment of his addictive behaviour. Later, the debt management would be tackled with the help of Proitera. The follow-up discussions were devoted to the preparation of negotiating fundamentals. The supervisor quickly agreed to talk to three of them. And what the consultant suspected became obvious. He did not want to lose the employee and therefore showed patience for so long. He would not tolerate a relapse though, he said. However, after the employee has signed the  code of conduct who signed and when the addiction agreement with Proitera was negotiated, he would withdraw the dismissal.

Proitera continues to conduct regular coordination discussions between addiction therapists, the family doctor and the employer. The debt management is well under way, but still requires much discipline and patience. The process is in progress and the first milestones have been reached.