3. August 2017

Bullying reproach in the workplace

The word “bullying” is on everyone’s lips. – But if it gets worse in your own company, the colleagues are often too involved to be able to initiate remedy. True bullying victims suffer massively and usually do not get help until very late. They often report the bullying first and get counselling afterwards.

The conspicuous behaviour that affected people display is not lost on a professional. The most obvious symptoms include susceptibility to errors, neglected appearance, social exclusion, physical reactions and dwindling self-confidence.

The sooner help reaches the victims of bullying, the faster they give up their willingness to endure. Those affected learn to address disturbing behaviour faster and more confidently. In this sense, occupational social consultancy has a preventive effect if it is well anchored in the company. This prevents or shortens long-term absences.

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