Cost-saving and secure added value

Problems that are not addressed on time and in the right way get worse. With Proitera, you offer your employees an open door that they can use spontaneously in stressful situations without exposing themselves internally. It is often the suppressed problems that harm a company the most, both in terms of atmosphere and costs.

Occupational social consultancy also costs money. The bottom line, however is that, significant cost savings outweigh accountable expenses. Occupational social consultancy brings the following results:

  • Relief for superiors and HR (Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR)
  • Savings thanks to fewer absence days (BGM)
  • Employee satisfaction (loyalty)
  • Improvement of the working climate (motivation)
  • Improvement of work performance (quality improvement)
  • Job preservation instead of fluctuation (costs and image)

Base: Trust

Our activity is always based on mutual trust

Proitera works on behalf of the company and, at the same time, of the employees. This “multi-track mandate” requires trust and confidentiality. That is why, e.g., our controlling tools are anonymous. This is the only way to ensure that your company derives economic benefit from social responsibility.

Interpret signs correctly

Private problems also often have monetary consequences for the company.

The private life of the employees does not concern the company, it is said. But attention and sensitivity to employees can avert entrepreneurial harm. When there is cause for concern, companies can reach out to Proitera consultants before personal problems affect work performance. A professional, systematic problem treatment often prevents significant follow-up costs.

Example – wage advance & long-term illness

Repeated requests for a wage advance or even a wage increment are often indications of major problems that have a negative effect on the work performance. Professional handling of the problem is very cost effective for your business, as the following example calculations of wage advances and long-term illness show:

Calculation of wage advance
Calculation of long-term illness

The cost model

Occupational social consultancy for different demands.

1. Package Light
Counselling, coaching, mediation without case management for long-term patients

  • Individual counselling on a voluntary basis for all employees
  • Counselling on behalf of HR and supervisors
  • Case-related coaching for supervisors and HR managers
  • Ombudsman
  • Anonymous online counselling
  • Presentation and networking
  • Evaluation and reporting
  • In an emergency, a specialist is available by telephone 24 hours a day

2. Package Classic
Counselling, coaching, mediation and support
 with case management for long-term patients and accident victims, including early detection

  • Individual counselling on a voluntary basis for all employees
  • Counselling on behalf of HR and supervisors
  • Case-related coaching for supervisors and HR managers
  • Ombudsman
  • Anonymous online counselling
  • Presentation and networking
  • Evaluation and reporting
  • In an emergency, a specialist is available by telephone 24 hours a day

Additional services compared to Light:

Case management in illness – Accompaniment of patients and accident victims

  • Clarifications for short absences
  • Editing absence causes
  • Counselling and support for long-term patients
  • Clarification of reintegration options in the company
  • Accompanying employees during reintegration
  • Quarterly discussions (process coordination in individual cases)

Case management – support of HR and supervisors

  • Coordination during working hours between companies, HR, external specialist departments etc.
  • Counselling HR and supervisors in the absence process
  • Process coordination during reintegration
  • Conducting return interviews
  • Unwinding tensions caused by long-term absences


3. Package Complete
Complete = Classic included 
Seminars and workshops in the field of social learning and preparation for retirement

The following basic services are available in all three package solutions

  • Individual counselling on a voluntary basis for all employees
  • Counselling on behalf of HR and supervisors
  • Case-related coaching for supervisors and HR managers
  • Ombudsman
  • Anonymous online counselling
  • Presentation and networking
  • Evaluation and reporting
  • In an emergency, a specialist is available by telephone 24 hours a day

Study results

Empirical studies illustrate the benefits of occupational social consultancy.

A study (see below) of two Swiss companies shows that not only employees benefit from the Proitera offer, but that the measures also pay off for the companies. Another study concludes that confidential counselling of employees has been the most important measure to prevent psychosocial risks over the past three years. In the team of Proitera consultants, we transfer scientific knowledge into an everyday consulting process.

Occupational social consultancy also bears ROI calculations. This is proven by two independent studies.

Die aktuelle Studie der FHNW aus dem Jahr 2020 kommt zum Schluss, dass sich das Angebot externer Betrieblicher Sozialberatung aus Unternehmenssicht lohnt und eine positive Kosten-Nutzen-Bilanz resultiert. Insbesondere die Reduktion von Absenzen und die Vermeidung von Kündigungen hatte für das in der Studie untersuchte Unternehmen finanzielle Vorteile.

Download Schlussbericht Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse

A published study has examined the cost-benefit ratio of social counselling mandates in two Swiss companies. It confirms: Occupational social consultancy is a worthwhile investment from a business perspective. Read the study summary here.

Study summary (in German)

ESENER-2, the second European business survey on emerging risks in the workplace, addresses the question as to which measures to prevent psychosocial risks are most promising. Confidential counselling for employees, as offered by Proitera, is the most important method, according to the study. Download the study here.

ESENER-2 study (in German)